WOLCS Student Device/Internet Policy 

Device/Internet Use Policy

Equipment: :   Chromebook

Communication:       Enterprise Suite through Google Apps for Education (gmail, google Google classroom, drive, calendar etc….) 


I confirm that I have received the equipment, and services as specified. I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of technology use as described in the attached policy. 

Student Name:   ___________________

Student Signature: __________________________________

Parent Signature:___________________________________

Date: __________________

Water of Life Christian School’s 

Device/Internet use policy

The purpose of computer equipment, software and internet services provided to students by Water of Life Christian School is to interact with educationally related content and is supplied on the following terms and conditions:

Water of Life Christian School, as part of an audit, may make periodic checks to ensure compliance with this policy. When required to do so, students must disclose passwords for this purpose.

The computer equipment, software and services provided are the property of Water of Life Christian School. They are provided on loan, to the student, for the duration of their enrolment at WOLCS. At the end of the enrolment period, services provided will be terminated and computer equipment and software must be returned to the school in full working condition. If the equipment is lost or damaged while on loan, the student’s parents will be charged to replace or repair  the equipment. Approximate cost for a chromebook is $200.00.

The equipment will be marked as school property and is recorded in the hardware inventory of the school.

Students are required to comply with Water of Life Christian Schools’ technology policy, these include:

A laptop/device is to be used for the sole purpose of interacting with educational material, not for personal communication, social networking, downloading music, shopping, gaming etc… Surfing the web or pictures or google searching is not allowed. unless directed by a teacher.

Communication via email or any other web service while using WOLCS supplied technology is not private. Content can be viewed by teachers and administrators of Water of Life Christian School.  Access to these services will be surrendered if enrolment at WOLCS is terminated.


Chromebooks/devices are NOT covered by Water of Life Christian Schools insurance against damage (dropping, spilling beverages on, or stepping on etc…) or loss. 

Students should be extra careful to secure their Chromebook when walking between classes, as parents will be liable for any damage. Loss of use of the device may occur until the device is replaced or repaired.

Chromebooks/devices should not be left unattended. Please secure the device in a locked classroom or cabinet when not in use. Parents will be liable for any loss.

In the event a student misplaces a Chromebook or does not return it to the correct storage slot at the end of the day, Chromebook use  for the duration of the week will be lost. If the event occurs on a Friday, the student will lose the use of the Chromebook for the following week.

Students are expected to immediately inform the teacher if loss or damage of the Chromebook occurs. 

The student is expected to monitor and manage electronic mail, calendars and web based services on a daily basis. 

While at school, student internet usage is filtered for content. Once the student leaves the school premises, internet use is no longer filtered or monitored and it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to monitor their child’s internet usage.

Electronic mail should NOT be used for the transmission of sensitive and confidential or personal information. All information transmitted is not private and is subject to inspection by Water of Life Christian School.