Ms. Moore's 

Weekly Announcements & Reminders

Week 11

October 14- October 18

5th Grade Lions Class Motto: "Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself."

Tutoring Schedule: No Tutoring Tuesday Oct.15th due to WOLCS Volleyball Game after school @3:30.

Math Tutoring 3:30- 4:15 pm. Math Tutoring is available Mondays & Tuesdays with me and Kim Obdam from 3:30- 4:15 pm. Please be sure to fill out the forms. 

ELA tutoring is Wednesdays with Kim Obdam.

Minimum Day October 18th @1pm due to Fall Festival set-up. 

Fall Festival: 4-6:30pm. If you would like to sign-up to volunteer, please sign-up through Parent Square. Tickets are available for games, and food. 

Absences and Make-up Work

It is important that your student makes up their work when they are absent. Absent work is due on Fridays. If your student is absent a week, the work is due the following Friday. If they are absent Friday, their work is due Monday. Absent work must be completed as homework so they do not fall behind on the daily lessons. 

Treasure Box

We have a class treasure box that we are collecting donations for. Every Friday, we will pull Treasure Box tickets for 3 students each Friday. Please speak to your student about ideas for our treasure box. They range from cool pencils, candy, erasers, stickers, trinkets, and much more. 

AR Goal and Rewards

Our AR Goal Achievers are: Isaiah, Isaac, Kylie, Lylah, Malik, Idara, Axalia, Henry, Josiah, Azariah. Congrats for working so hard!! We will have a special Chick-fil-A lunch party, Friday, September 20th. This also includes Wii Games with Ms. Moore. 

I love to reward my students for their hard work. This year, since one of my loves are animals, I have collected special collectible Beanie babies as a reward for making their AR goals, plus lunch with me, when they make their goal by the end of the trimester. We just took our Star Test, so students are already testing. If they make their goal, and pass with an 85% or higher, they will receive a Beanie baby, and will be able to choose in the order of who made theirs goal first, second, and so on PLUS, they will have an AR lunch party with me. They have to pass their AR tests with 85%, or higher as a part of the criteria. 

Rewards and Consequences

We have decided as a class special rewards for good behavior including earning treasure box tickets. We also decided on consequences for making poor choices to talk, or disrupt our neighbors while we should be working, which may include having a ticket pulled from the reward jar. I have a 3 step Class Management System for behavior struggles before a demerit, or principal intervention is needed, aside from affecting Citizenship grades. If a student is disruptive, I will simply ask them to stop. If they continue, their name goes on the board, and ticket will be taken from the treasure box. If they persist, they will miss recess to talk with me about why they could not use self-control. Hopefully, this will deter behavior, but if the behavior continues, they will be issued a demerit, parent will be notified by email, and they will be given a lunch detention to counsel with the principal. We hope it never comes to the last step, but it needs to be clear how we handle discipline issues, as they will arise. 

Green Folders and Student Planners

Green Folders will contain student work, and they will be sent home every Friday for your review. They MUST be returned back to school every Monday for a stamp and ticket in the treasure box. If a student has work that needs to be reviewed by a parent and signed, there will be a stamp that says "Parent Signature" at the top, so you can see either their awesome work, or an assignment, quiz, or test they struggled with.

Student Planners should be in the student's backpack, and go home every single day. You should only remove and review if you want to see what was done in class that day. Students who fill out their planners should have a stamp every Friday if the week was totally filled out as instructed. If the planner does not a have a stamp, that means something was not complete. Planners help students remember what we did, on what day, and stay organized. If they have homework, it is because they did not finish their classwork. If an assignment is CIRCLED or highlight in their planner, that means that assignment is homework, and they need to finish at home. 

In His service,

Ms. Moore